Friday, December 3, 2010

"Give Peace A Chance" by John Lennon

In 1969, during the Vietnam war, John Lennon (The Beatles) and Yoko Ono got married and decided to spend their honeymoon in Amsterdam. As they know it would be a great press event, John and Yoko decided to use the publicity to promote world peace. They invited the world's press into their room at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel. After their other stunts, such as the nude cover of the Two Virgins album, the press were expecting them to be having sex, but instead the couple were sitting in bed talking about peace . A reporter asked John what he was trying to do. John said, "All we are saying is give peace a chance," spontaneously, but he liked the phrase and set it to music for the song. He sang the song several times during the Bed-In, and finally, on 1 June 1969, recorded it using a simple setup of four microphones and a four-track Ampex tape recorder rented from RCA Victor in Montreal.
The song quickly became the anthem of the anti-war movement all over the world and it is still sung by a lot of people in anti-war demonstrations.

Hace ya casi cuarenta años, John y Yoko clamaron al mundo por la paz. La protesta pacífica que realizaron en pijama, desde su cama y convocando al periodismo de la época, trascendió tiempos y fronteras.
El escenario de la guerra de aquellos días no era el de hoy. Los protagonistas también eran otros, pero la crueldad, la misma…
Hoy como ayer, la necesidad de darle una oportunidad (chance) a la paz es imperiosa, por éso, sumándome al espíritu de aquella canción que desde entonces suena como un verdadero rezo, os invito a ver el video que nos recuerda que la guerra no es una consecuencia inevitable y que en todos y cada uno de nosotros está el poder de cambiar el destino de la humanidad.

Ciudadana Mónica

Click in the link below to watch the video:

Now click in the following link to read the lyrics of the song and the translation into Spanish:

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